DOJO The meaning is training room. But its literal meaning is "WHERE YOU STUDIED THE WAY", derived from the name of the training room of the Buddhist monks, where studied and meditated upon.
The origin of the word Dojo comes from the Buddhism, where (OJ) comes to be the way (JO) the place; as complete translation, A PLACE WHERE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE WAY. The courtesy and respect should be observed in the Dojo all the time, the greeting at the beginning and at the end is a symbol of respect for oneself, toward the sensei, colleagues, the Dojo, the founder of the style and the same Karate, besides doing us more sociable. For the practitioner of Karate Dojo should be the site where we learn the importance of a discipline that teaches you to live, thinking in a different way and act in some situation, allows us to be filled with positive energy with the spirit of Karate and relax our daily tensions.
The serious students of Martial Arts must always demonstrate respect for their "DOJO". The " DOJO KUN", are the moral codes , which reminds students about the importance of moral principles.
Always keep the respect toward: The Karate-Do and its label, the Teacher, the companions of train and everything that surrounds us. The respect toward the other is common to all Martial Arts in particular the Japanese. It is often said that the martial arts begin and end with the label (RESPECT). The label in the Dojo is particularly well-defined with the Greeting (REI) that all we have to do to enter and the exit.
Before you begin and at the end of the training the instructor (Sensei) and students aligned in position "Seiza" you must meditate and greet in memory to the masters of the past. The Courtesy continues during the training with the greetings that they are done at the beginning and at the end of each battle (Kumite) and each execution of kata.
This is evidence of a strong Samurai tradition. It gives meaning to the fidelity that should be shown to the instructor and toward the companions of higher level. The fidelity shown toward the instructor, it will be compensated with the transmission of their knowledge. This a link between the instructor and student, it is extremely valuable, constituting the basis of learning and of the relationship between persons.
It has as main objective to perform the character and personality. It teaches us that the Karate-Do is more than a physical activity. Through the rigorous training, we develop the spirit of struggle and overcoming. The practitioner will learn to control his mind and to overcome the difficulties that the physical exercise will bring. Strengthen the spirit in adversity contributes to the perfection of character. Also those who are more physically limited will always have the spirit to refine
It always keep the spirit of perseverance and effort. This principle refers to the complete dedication and the effort required being to achieve the mastery of the Martial Art. This same principle will be applied throughout our lives, in all aspects.
It must control the aggressiveness and emotions all the times. It is the responsibility of all practitioners to refrain from violent behavior. The training objective of Karate-Do is the mental and physical control and must influence our behavior. Its use as a defense personnel, it shall be only in cases of extreme need and if there is no other alternative.
You must always keep in mind the path of honesty. You must always defend the truth, be honest with yourself and with the others.
Fundamental principles in line with the code BUSHIDO applied to the Karate Do: - THE COURTESY: It is respect and good manners of the behavior. - THE RIGHTEOUSNESS: It is the capacity to be able to take a decision without hesitation. Be fair and objective in all circumstances. - THE COURAGE: It is the tackling the challenge of taking decisions. - GOODNESS: It is being magnanimous, patient and tolerant. - THE SINCERITY: You must always tell the truth, to defend it and to be faithful to the word given. - THE HONOR: It is the appreciation and defense of the dignity of its own. - THE MODESTY: It is not to be arrogant or vain. - LOYALTY: It is not to be betraying to anyone, neither one same. Be faithful to their own convictions. - SELF-CONTROL: It implies to have control over the acts, emotions and words. - THE FRIENDSHIP: It means to be delivered in a whole. The ability to share and help. - INTEGRITY: It implies to deal equally with all, upholding the principles and be faithful to the commitments. - IMPARTIALITY: It means to do judgments according to the truth. - PATIENCE: It is tolerance of the intolerable. - SERENITY: it is to impulse control before conflicts and difficulties. - SELF-CONFIDENCE: It is to believe in yourself.